Some questions which have been asked in the recent interviews held. Members are requested to shell out their inputs.

1-  From where does PMGSY gets its funding?

2-  What is mission of Nabard? Is it fulfilled since 1982?

3-  State government constructs roads. What’s the role of NABARD in that?

4-  What’s the need of microirrigation?

5-  For tribals what special works are being carried out by NABARD?

6-  Define SHG.

7-  Define Microfinance.

8-  How has the SHG-BLP brought tangible change in the society?

9-  What’s the role of DDM?

10-  What do you expect from NABARD other than salary and other perks?

11-  To whom does NABARD refinances?

12-  What is the one quality you want to inculcate in you when you join NABARD?

13-  Definition of cooperative bank.

14-  Definition of commercial bank.

15-  Does NABARD invest in anything like normal banks?

16-  What do SHGs do by forming the group?

17-  Difference/s between SHG and JLG?

18-  Your 1 weakness that would prevent your growth at NABARD. How would you overcome it?

19-  What are the top 4 problems while achieving the rural development?

20-  Which institutions get short term finance and which institutions get long term finance from NABARD?

21-  Which is the area where NABARD is not present yet and how it should be done?


Interview questions date 11/12/2020


Q.You worked in Vedanta. Were you in smelter or power plant?

Q.You come from MP, why there is farmer's distress in MP? why mandsaur goli kand happened,

what are the reasons?

Q. MSP is in news a lot. Tell about history of MSP?

M 1

Q. What are the bank's NABARD do refinance activity?

Q. Long term investment done by NABARD? 


Q. Any scheme of NABARD for MP

Q.  Funds of Nabard? HR mam

Q. Use of exp and learning in NABARD.

Q. How will you learn other skill to work for NABARD?

Q. How did you handle people working under you during your job?

Q9. How many treks have you done. (I mentioned my hobby as trekking and photography)

Q10. Have you been to Gaumukh?

Q11. Have you been to Valley of Flowers and one Trek located near it?

Q12. Why NABARD?

Q13. Functions of NABARD.

Q14. What have you prepared for the interview?

Q15. Work done by NABARD in your state?

Interview panel was very helpful no cross questions . It was mostly around my DAF.


26/11/2020 Nabard grade A interview transcript at Banglore R.O.  4 member panel.

Chairman: work related background information.

Member1: Nabard functions, explain supervisory development and financial role,  

Value addition,  how can you add value to nabard

Developmental functions how has shg's brought tangible change in society

Member2: importance of corporate governance its important in efficient functioning of KSRTC and other organisation. Importance of leadership

Member3: difference between private and public sector values,  explain gap for after graduation due to civil services preperation. You didnt clear in final round u must have felt frustrated how did you manage?. 

Thank you.


Date:- 14th December

Timing:- 11.05 to 11.25/30am

Pune RO


- Any initiative by govt. for agri or rural area are.

(I told about PMKISAN) 

-tell us 3 features of it

-How many farmers covered roughly?

-Are tenants involved? 

-Why not? 

-Any data on farmers... Where will i get it..any source? 

Lady member 1:-

-Wht u learned in fin literacy prog. (Rel bio data.. My online course) 

-How will u make people/farmers financially literate..  Tell me3 Points

Member 2:-

-Issues in Jalna District of MH (my native dist.) 

-As DDM what u will do? 

-Your powers? PLCP.. 

-What is water-shade devlp.? 

-How to harvest water.. Check dams.. Etc. Who will built/develope that? 

-Ridf activities total number

Lady member 2:-

-As in developement board of NABARD, what will u do to resolve agri and farm issues.. 

-Tribal Mental health issues and how to resolve those... Your strategy.. 

(Inspired from biodata) 


Thank you! Your interview is over. 

Best wishes! 

Experience was really good. 

These panel members are quite cordial and friendly. 

They make us comfortable. 

After all, they are there for selection and to bring best out of us. 

So, just be honest and enjoy the process.. 

All the best! 😊


RO Dehradun


5:10 pm 19th candidate out of 21

Chairman sir :

Q1. Tell me one of the state govt.scheme in rural development in your state (uttarakhand) ?

Ans : Gramya (decentralized watershed development project) aided by World bank

Q2. What is done under watershed program?

Ans : Told the approach and its essence in hilly state

Q3. Is it completely state monitored or centre also has its role in it ?

Ans. Given answer but after taking some time.

Q4. What is the size of catchment area ?

Ans. Given answer as 100m2

Q5. how much time it take to complete a watershed development project ?

Ans. Gven answer as 3-5 years...although some projects take 4-7 yrs as well

Q6. Do people also participate in this project or it is done by govt.dept.officials only ?

Ans. Told the answer but the chairman sir din't seem convinced with it.

Member 1 (Mam) :

Q1. So you belongs to udham singh nagar , what is the reason behind the name of the dist. US nagar

Ans. Given perfect answer (udham singh the famous revolutionary of gadar party took the revenge of jaliawala bagh massacre by killing Michael o' dyer in london. In oder to pay him tribute the city was named after him)

Q2. What are major source or income in udham singh nagar ?

Ans . Given perfect answer (agriculture, livestock rearing and SIDCUL industrial area)

Q3. Have u heard about DDM. what is his role?

Ans. Given perfect answer

Q4. Where is DDM office located in udham singh nagar

Ans. Given perfect answer

Member 2 (sir)

Q1. Some state related plan is prepared under name of PLP? what is it?

Ans. Given perfect answer

Q2. Have u gone through PLP. Brief  some of the points under it wrt to udham singh nagar ?

Ans. Took time.. told 2-3 points of it..not pretty sure whether dey were points under SFP or PLP dist.report.

Q3. Why bank managers are taken to watershed development project site sometimes by DDM ?

Ans. Given answer for loan related purpose. (Sir said right and further added point to it)

Q4. where PLP papers are forwarded?

Ans.sorry sir, I am not aware about it

Q5. What projects are taken by NABARD for artisian ?

Ans. Told off farm sector initiative like rural haat/rural mart...marketing initiative...and exhibition/mela conducted by NABARD

Q6. What is the purpose of watershed development project?

Ans. It fed the field at the time of water scarcity. Increases the ground water table.

Member 3 (HR mam)

Q1. What does reasoning faculty means. How do you teach reasoning

Ans. Told them what i use to taught by bifurcating the reasoning into 3 category VERBAL..NON VERBAL...LOGICAL...further told them the essence of why rather then what in reasoning.

Q2. You also did counselling alongwith teaching. How it helped you ?

Ans. Told about interaction with people from diverse state helps me in understanding their views in better way and i could address their problem accordingly. 

Q3. How your reasoning is useful to NABARD?

Ans. Told them how it could help in creating check scenario while formulating development policy. And at later stage after reaching CGM level could get a chance as trainer faculty at BIRD institute.

Q4. What problem u think u'll face while joining in NABARD

Ans. I said mam my work exposure and interaction with most of the people has done away with any problem facing situation so i think i'l be well adaptable to the role


Date 10th Dec, Hyderabad RO.

Chairman : So you are from Mulkanoor , tell me something special about it  

Me: Told about Mulkanoor Cooperative society 

C: is there any other cooperative   in your village 

Me: Mulkanoor Women's Milk Cooperative Milk Union ltd and it's uniqueness

C: Differences between Cooperatively & Farmer Producer Companies

Me: Said some points, but not convinced 

F1: What are the issues in agriculture 

Me: Said some problems in agriculture like low productivity , low landholdings , low farm mechanisation

F1: how low productivity is becoming an issue in agriculture

Me: said about excessive usage of Chemicals & fertilizers and govt is promoting sustainable farming practices.

F1: what are sustainable farming practices

Me: Organic Farming , ZBNF

F1: Difference bettween Organic & ZBNF

Me: Organic Farming completely eliminates Chemicals & Fertilizers rest same as conventional farming with deep ploughing & excessive irrigation

 ZBNF  promotes soil aeration with no deep ploughing , and is against using of vermicomposting.

F1: Technology in Agriculture

Me: Precision farming , Remote sensing , GIS , Block chain Technology

M2: How many acres of Farm land do you have

Me: said

M2: which crops you grow

Me: Paddy , Maize , Cotton

M2: if your father wants to get a credit for cropping , from where does he get it

Me : Said about our Cooperative Society & other   Scheduled Commercial Banks

M2 : How these crop loans are fixed on what basis

Me: Said the criteria in our Cooperative , he asked for SCBs 

Said on basis of costs of production. some bankers committee will decide this, he extracted the answer from me .

F2: Suppose you get posted as a DDM what kind of work you will need to do

Me : said about PLP & Getting enough credit to PSL categories  etc

F2: What is your weakness & how will you overcome that.

Me : told 

PS : my Interview completely revolved around my Village , Cooperative Societies other Agriculture Related.

PS- Board is very cooperative.


Pune RO, 

Last Candidate to go


Work Experience Based Questions. 

About District and Provisions for Development Boards

About Nabard Rural Infrastructure Development Index 

No of Parameters and it's examples and how weightage is given

Member 2

What is NABARD

Functions of Nabard

Role of NABARD in improving farmers income

Significance of FPOs

Member 3

Financial functions of Nabard

Short and Long Term Credit Provisions

Member 4

Work Experience based

One lesson which you learnt for the rest of your life while working in corporate sector.

Adjustments you had to made in Chennai and Corporate Sector

How that lesson and adjustments will help in Nabard

What is self awareness and how UPSC studies, corporate experience helped in increasing self awareness.

Upgrading Skills and if anything I have done about it the recent part. (Told about Excel Specialization)

I faced AV Issues, Lag was there, Board was cordial



Timing: 10 -10.15/20 am

First Candidate to go

Chairman Sir

What are  you doing since you completed engineering?

What do you know  regarding  Sant Gadage Baba?(Graduation University-Biodata question)

What do you know about Swachcha  Bharat Mission..?

This scheme  has not created significant changes in people..so what we need to do for better implementation..?

Member 1

What u know about NABARD..? Tell me a 5 points..

Member 2

What are the issues of farmers..?

What are the reasons  behind crop failure..??

What can be done for it(Solutions)..??

Member 4

What u do in musical meditation..?(Biodata question)

You read non-fiction book...so tell me about one  book which u read?? and what you teach from that book..?? (Biodata question)

Interview End...


Name: Shreyansh Goyal

Profile: MBA (Finance)

Place: Delhi RO, NABARD

Date: 31/12/2020

Discipline: Finance

Chairman –

1. I see you have published a paper in a reputable international journal. Why do you want to join NABARD, rather than pursuing an academic career?

2. A certain municipality has issued “social impact” bonds. What are “social impact bonds”?

3. Why it has issued “social impact bonds” instead of let’s say releasing grant?

4. Government is prioritising unlisted companies. How can you calculate share value of an unlisted company?

5. What are other methods aside from comparison with listed companies having similar business profile?

6. How do you calculate that?

7. How is the discount factor calculated?

8. What are some assumptions in that?

F1 –

1. What is EPS?

2. What is it significance?

3. What is P/E ratio?

4. What is its significance?

5. How do you calculate market capitalisation?

6. How do you calculate market capitalisation of unlisted companies? Unlisted companies do not have market capitalisation, right?

M1 –

1. Let’s come out of academia and talk about ground realities. Have you seen our Balance sheet? Do you see any problems with that? Tell me something positive and negative about that?

2. Do you think NABARD does not have profit seeking as its goal? 

3. If NABARD does not earn profits, how will it sustain itself in long run?

4. Are RIDF deposits our own?

5. If tomorrow laws change, and we no longer collect RIDF deposits from banks, how will we run? What will happen to our balance sheet?

F2 –

1. Tell me more about your interests?

2. How those will help you in NABARD?

Interview date: 02.12.2020
My profile in short:
Joined DA a week ago.
Previously worked at NIACL

Chairman: Tell me some major scheme of insurance

Chairman: Some other schemes, in general aspect?

Chairman: Any health insurance scheme?
Me: Ayushman Bharat... Told about it... 5lac SI, covers 50cr ppl etc

Chairman: is New India administering Ayushman Bharat?
Me: confused... Sir I'm not sure about it.
Chairman: is it involved in the scheme?
Me: Yes. (Guess it was, assumed that New India is SBI of insurance sector, might be involved, thankfully it's correct)

Chairman: What is claim Ratio?
Me: Thought that he is asking claim settlement ratio. Explained that. He denied, gave an example. Figured out that he was asking Incurred Claim Ratio. Explained it.

M1: What is current claim settlement ratio in Crop Insurance?
Me: Ma'am it is around 89%
M1: What do you think why claims get delayed? 
Me: Explained how CCE leads to delay in data and thus delay in claims, what can be done? Drone technology etc can be bought to make it fast etc etc

M1: How much is the current insurance penetration?
Me: around 3.5%
M1: what steps should be taken to increase it?
Me: awareness creation, sell insurance products thru various micro insurance programs, educate about insurance thru school curriculum, insurance education in skill development programs, bancassurance, sell products thru SHG channels etc., include insurance awareness programs under financial literacy, focus on micro insurance products thru microfinance prgrams 

M2: You've joined NABARD 8 days ago. What did you like about it?
Me: Sir, here tasks are properly organised and allocated. And everyone here comes on time, that is the best thing I liked.
M2: (laughing), does it mean that people in New India didn't come on time?
Me: No Sir. It's not like that. In New India, there were many in marketing, so they had the liberty over coming to ofc on time.

M2: can you name some depts of NABARD?
Me: named...
M2: can you get district posting in NABARD once you get promoted?
Me: Yes. As a DDM.
M2: Whats that? Whats the role of it.
Me: credit planning for potential areas of priority sector
M2: what's that called
M2: What is the purpose of that?
Me: to prepare credit plan in co-operation with line departments of respective state govt
M2: no. This is not the purpose.
Me: sorry Sir, i don't know. I only know that PLPs are submitted to respective ROs.
M2: smiles, explains the purpose.

M2: Do you know RIDF fund is operated by which dept?
Me: Sir I'm not sure, but can I try answering it?
M2: Sure
Me: Sir, Dept of Refinance?
M2: No, it is SPD(Told 2-3 things abt it)

M3: You're aspiring to become Grade A Officer. You're currently DA. What do you think what change will come over your role once you switch over to Grade A?
Me: Ma'am, I don't know the job profile in detail as of now. But as a Grade A Officer, I will have more responsibility and accountability.
M3: Tell me what is responsibility & accountability. What you mean by that?
Me: Ma'am, if some particular task is allocated to me, then I'm responsible for it's proper and timely execution. If something goes wrong with respect to it, then I'm accountable for it.
M3: You've mentioned in your DAF that you've decision making skills. Tell me 1 good decision & 1 bad decision of your life.
Me: Good decision- 3yrs back I appeared for CGL 2017 exam, had scored really well, but due to cheating allegations and CBI enquiry, it got stuck in SC. My other friends got stuck with that exam. I moved on, explored other opportunities & cleared NIACL exam. 
Bad decision- the same exam which got stuck in court. I shouldn't have chosen it. It was not completely my mistake, but that choice somehow I made it and I feel I bit of regret it. I should have explored other opportunities during that time.

Everyone: Okay Thank you Sachin. Wish you Good luck


Nabard Interview Transcript 2020 - 05

Stream : IT
RO : Hyderabad
Panel : The Chairman Sir from Odisha, Marandi Mam, The Cool Guy Sir and the HR Mam
Duration : 20 mins

Chairman Sir : So Tushar you have completed your graduation in 2016....

The Cool Guy Sir 😎 : Please Sit.

Chairman Sir : So you graduated in 2016, why there is a gap of 4 years.
( The Cool Guy Sir gives me the impression of getting shocked, took a deep breath from mouth and released )

Me : (The Cool Guy Sir's acting was not upto the mark, so couldn't care less and continued.....) Sir I was preparing for Civil Services.

The Cool Guy Sir 😎 : the state civil services or central.

Me : sir central.. UPSC.

Chairman Sir : Now the digitalization of Court is going on, they can use the digital proofs as an evidence, can you tell under which Act this digital proofs can be used as an evidence.

Me : (Sir ne to first ball pe seedha bouncer hi de diya, i didn't have any idea about that and didn't thought they will be asking the topic in such a deep, still I had prepared the Information and Privacy Act, 2011 and IT security Act, 2000. But unfortunately there was no mentioning of any point regarding digital proofs, moreover I was unable to remember the name of these acts, only the years. At first, as it was the first question, i wanted to answer it beating around the bush , but khudko sambhala and decided to skip it to avoid any bad impression in the start only and play it safe) Sorry sir I dont have any idea about it.

Chairman Sir : (But he was not in a mood to let it go and asked again..) No no, their is such a law placed which mentions the types of the digital proofs which can be used as an evidence. So which is that law.

Me : (as he is insisting me to answer something, now i'm prepared to beat around the bush) Sir I don't have any exact idea about the law but there are IT acts of 2011 and 2000, Sir i'm not remembering the name of the Acts right now, they have mentioned some digital proofs as evidence. , 

Chairman Sir : (he thinks) no no, there is another law.

Me : Sorry sir I dont know about it.

Chairman Sir : Okay, tell what can be used as digital evidence?

Me : sir biometric data, the chat from the whatsapp (sir seems unsatisfied, so i tried harder and go technical) Sir in security there is digital fingerprint which gets created when you do something online, this can be used as an evidence. 
(3 sec silence and no reply from anybody)

Chiarman Sir : ok.. mam please continue. (and sir's scroll of eternity continued on his phone till I finished my interview)

(Generally, as per looking at the Generalist stream interview, The Chairman Sir comforts you by asking the basic questions about you from your biodata and later on forwards to Marandi Mam for a rough ride, but totally opposite happened with me with the Chairman Sir and I was caught offguard)

Marandi Mam : (now keeping her phone aside and focusing on me) So you were preparing for UPSC so why dont you continue it?

Me : I'm unable to clear UPSC from past 4 years. my age is 28 years old and I have been studying for so long now, ("and now i want a job" was on my tip of the tongue, but controlled and said) now wanted to settle. (here i couldn't phrase my sentences properly and answered it with broken english, but conveyed my point) 

Marandi Mam : In rural India, there are some IT inititatives that have been taking place, can you tell us some of the development happened in rural areas regarding IT services.

Me : (As said before, till now i was getting forget the keywords which i wanted to speak in english, also getting stuttered and had a thought that they are lossing interest in me so i replied) sorry mam, can I use mixed languague?

Marandi Mam : yes go ahead.

The Cool Guy Sir 😎 : are karo karo koi baat nahi, hindi to apni rajya bhasha hai

Me : again sorry mam, please can you repeat the question?

The Cool Guy Sir 😎 : ha mam question kya tha...batao... (then they all started to interact with me in hindi only)

Marandi Mam : (she repeated in hindi)


(24.12.20 at New Delhi) 

Interview Panel: 4-5 person including Chairman

1. Difference Between Companies Act 1956 & Companies Act 2013

2. Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code (Process) , NCLT Scope

3. Difference between Amalgamation & Merger

4. Accounting Standard-    16 Borrowing Cost

5. Functions & Objective of NABARD

6. Past working Experience related to my Hindustan Times group


Interview 11-13 minutes, Chairman was very cool 👍
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NABARD FINANCE STREAM


Profile: MBA (Finance)
Place: Delhi RO, NABARD
Date: 31/12/2020
Discipline: Finance

Chairman –
I see you have published a paper in a reputable international journal. Why do you want to join NABARD, rather than pursuing an academic career?
A certain municipality has issued “social impact” bonds. What are “social impact bonds”?
Why it has issued “social impact bonds” instead of let’s say releasing grant?
Government is prioritising unlisted companies. How can you calculate share value of an unlisted company?
What are other methods aside from comparison with listed companies having similar business profile?
How do you calculate that?
How is the discount factor calculated?
What are some assumptions in that?

F1 –
What is EPS?
What is it significance?
What is P/E ratio?
What is its significance?
How do you calculate market capitalisation?
How do you calculate market capitalisation of unlisted companies? Unlisted companies do not have market capitalisation, right?
M1 –
Let’s come out of academia and talk about ground realities. Have you seen our Balance sheet? Do you see any problems with that? Tell me something positive and negative about that?
Do you think NABARD does not have profit seeking as its goal? 
If NABARD does not earn profits, how will it sustain itself in long run?
Are RIDF deposits our own?
If tomorrow laws change, and we no longer collect RIDF deposits from banks, how will we run? What will happen to our balance sheet?
F2 –
Tell me more about your interests?
How those will help you in NABARD?

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