NABARD Interview transcript #12

By Ankith 

Date : 03-03-2022

Time: around 1:20pm

Ro: Hyderabad

C: Tell me about yourself and what kind of personality you are


C: what do u do in bank? Work profile?


C: kyc norms in bank is ok? Any prob from bank and customer side?

Sir there are 6 OVD so shouldnt be a prob though ppk in rural area don't have PAN card

C: shouldnt be a problem or not a problem? (Laughing)

Haha sir I don't think it's a prob

M1 : So Ankith, what's ur branch deposits?


M1 female: Which section constitutes most of the advances sanctioned

I said SHG and also said I'm happy that UBI actually topped SHG bank linkage program this time and SHGs are great asset to our branch

M1: Why are they a great asset

Me: NPAs of SHG is very low and they repay on time. Moreover after repaying they ask us for a greater sanction, so that enhances our business portfolio

Chairman sir laughed and interrupted what about shg in ur branch?

I too smiled and said sir they have the same record in our branch also.

M1: So any suggestions for SHG improvement?

Said need to digitalise book keeping

M1: but e shakti program is there no?

Ma'am it's dng a fantastic job I'm not denying it but at very remote level shg are not even aware of e shakti

M1: u sanction loan to individual members of shg also?

I'm sorry ma'am idk..field officer usually takes care of that

M2: Have u heard of SDG? How many are there?

I said 13 first and then corrected to 17 and deadline is 2030

M2: good..so can u tell how nabard is helping towards SHG?

Mentioned about nabard role in UNFCC GCF etc

M2: He said ok..but can u tell me in an order? What's 1st SDG?

I said no hunger

M2: It is no poverty and then it is no hunger..anyways it's ok

Thank you for correcting sir

M2: So tell me what nabard has done for poverty alleviation

I again said SHG bank linkage program and how it's indulging into financial inclusion thereby eliminating poverty.

M2: Yes thats right but have u heard of WASH program?

Yes sir sorry forgot to mention that it's a great refinancing program for water sanitation and hygiene.

M2: How can u contribute to developmental functions of nabard?

I'm not satisfied with my answer and somehow managed it. In the process I talked about watershed fund

M2: what is watershed?

Answered and talked about ridge to valley 

M2: Thats a good technical term..can u mention any other technical terms?

Said bunds, checkdams, water harvesters. He said good

Back to chairman: Anything u want to tell us?

I said sir if u pls permit me I want to give some suggestions to nabard

He laughed and said pls carry on..I wanted them thats y I asked

Gave some suggestions..

M2: laughing and said ur suggestions are valid pls mail this to nabard suggestions mail also 😂

I laughed and said thank you and left

Overall experience: super cordial panel with no cross questioning. Trust me..u will even finish the interview before u realise it actually started. So just relax and stay confident. All the very best!! :)


Nabard Grade A 2021 Interview transcript #13 

Name : Brajesh Mohan

Stream - General 

Date : 4th March 2022 

Place : Patna, RO (Total - 5 Candidates) 

Reporting - 8:30 (DV starred from 9:15 and Interview from 10:20 AM)

Panel - 3 Members including chairman (Chairman - R Gandhi, Ex-Dy. Gov, RBI) 

Chairman Sir

Tell us something about yourself - Education, strength, hobbies

Why do you want to switch to service sector as you have technical background and also you have worked in IT sector.

There is separate vacancy for IT why did you not applied for that then (As i said nabard is promoting digitalization) 

How your educational background and learning will help us in NABARD? 

Tell us something about Purnia (My District) 

What is strength and Economic background of your village? 


What is your optional in UPSC she thought i said UPSC but i corrected its BPSC, state pcs?

What have you prepared for Interview (I said PLP too) 

Give overview about your district as per PLP report 

What would you do for your district as a DDM?

When did you go to Purnia ? 


What is Farmers club (I have village background) - i confused and connected it with FPO but later he said its a different thing

Then he asked what is FPO and few cross questions

He was not convinced with the farmers club answer thing. 

Although it was 15-20 minutes of interaction but felt like 3-5 mins only. As i was first one to go and also first candidate of the day so i felt interactions was limited, they could have asked many things. Not overall satisfief with my performance, let's hope for the best. 

Panel is cordial specially chairman sir he keeps smiling and even ask questions with a smile. 

Thank you, All the best 👍


NABARD Interview transcript #14

Kanika Mahajan

RO: Chandigarh

Interview panel: 3 people- 2 males 1 female.

Questions asked:


1. You did your engineering why are you joining NABARD?

2. How did you go to audits (worked in KPMG as IT Auditor)

3. Why only NABARD for working for the people?

4. Which department would you like to work in?

5. Share your experience with working with people on the ground level if you have.

Female interviewer:

1. Why CPD and financial inclusion and banking technology department only?

2. How NABARD is helping with financial inclusion?

3. Products offered in financial inclusion.

4. Insurance related questions - crop insurance, health insurance which scheme, life insurance scheme- forgot aby

Male interviewer:

1. Scheme related to crop insurance

2. Nodal agency for the same- was aware of ministry didn't know any specific nodal agency.

3. Role of NABARD in pmfby specific activities taken up by NABARD- didn't bluff and skipped

4. Name a few fintech companies

5. How fintech companies are helping with financial inclusion?

6. How much digitisation NABARD is doing in it's operation?


Would you like to share anything else?

Overall experience- the panel is cordial but very formal. Took about 10-15 mins.



Neha kumari

Regional Office Patna

1.what kind of person you are?

2. What is hypothesis of your research (I am a phD student)?

3. How your knowledge of literature can be incorporated with the function of NABARD?

4.have you checked NABARD website? Tell us something ?

5. Condition of agriculture in India?

6.Green revolution?

7. White revolution?

8. Impact and  contemporary challenges related to green revolution?

9. The question of white revolution in relation to Amul and co operative societies?

10. How white revolution benefits farmers?

11. You write poems, recite one?

12. Anything you want to say 


Board members were cordial. One question leads to next question. They want to know you as a person in brief, how well you understand agriculture and its issues. NABARD website ( one question is sure) . My good wishes.


NABARD Interview Transcript #16

Date- 07/03/2022

Mumbai HO

2nd to go(working in PSB)

1(Panel Head)- Tell your background, schooling, college, achievement your current job in 2 minutes.

2) If balance is deducted in the customers account due to transaction failure what extra intiative you take.

3) In last 5 years what has changed in terms of  expectations of customers

4) What Nabard is doing in Sustainable Development and initiatives of NABARD regarding climate change (asked from to different members)

5) Relationship between NABARD and your bank and 

6) Functional work of NABARD (Refinance scheme, RIDF) 

7) Source of Funds of RIDF

8) Contribution of your bank in RIDF

9) Do you want to add something??

Thank you. Interview panel head is very chilled and helps you in case you divert from your answers

NABARD staff is very co-operative and fun to talk (has been asked by the NABARD staff to not to reveal everything on Telegram 🤐🤐 )


Nabard Interview transcript #17

Centre: Jammu Regional office

Date: 07/03/2022

Time: 9:30 am

1.Are you related to Hari Parsad Chaurasia?

2. What type of Personality you are?

3. You are a City dweller, Why you decided to work in Rural Development department? ( i am working as young professional in Haryana Rural Development department)

4. Why you did not apply for NGO? ( as i having my Post graduation in Masters in Social Work with specialisation in Rural Development from TISS)

5. Tell us about your scheme ( I am working as a young professional in Shyama prasad mukherji Rurban Mussion)

6. Tell us about any intervention you did? I told about one of my intervention about setting up a bakery for SHGs and connecting them with market etc etc.

7. Tell us about Nabard's project/ programme in the same field.

8. Tell us in 3 points what else is need to be done for SHGs besides backward and forward linkage ( this question was based on my answer where i mentioned backward and forward linkage)

9. What is Farmers club?

10. Role of Nabard in technology transfer in agriculture ( concept of Lab to land)

11. In the end, they asked me to recite some poetry as i mentioned in my DAF that i like poetry writing.


Nabard Interview transcript #18

Bangalore RO


Chairman(C) - Tell me what is your role in your bank branch

Do people still come to branch to do NEFT/RTGS


Tell me problems of farmers in your area

Madam - What is the solution for fragmentation of land?

What are farmers hedging the problem of climate variability

Have you done any work regarding SHGs

What are the problems of SHGs

Male panel member- Have you heard of Organic farming

Tell me pros and cons of organic farming

What is your branch profile

Are you giving any Agri loans other than seasonal KCC?


Nabard Interview transcript #19 tushar .

Tushar. Mumbai HO. 7th March. 11 am

Chairman started with what have you been doing since college and why nabard after engineering?

--(I first asked them whether I can give answers in English and Hindi mix as I am more comfortable in it, they said go ahead it's totally fine)

(justified the gap of 8 years with upsc and such) 

-Where are you from, tell me the profile of your district? 3-4 sub-quetions on it.

-Do you belong to urban or rural background? 

-What has nabard done in your district and state?

-What is watershed, how does nabard contribute to it

-What are fpos? Their structure, advantages and limitations with some examples? Nabard initiatives on fpo?

-What have you read for interview? 

-Why are cooperatives dominant in Maharashtra, examples, functioning, limitations?

-3rd member again asked on watershed, have your ever seen one, how does it work, asked me to tell few technical terms related to watershed management?(pra- participatory rural appraisal, it's significance)

Chairman- why nabard, why apply to it now since you are passionate on working at grassroot level and not few years ago alongside upsc?

Do you want to say anything? (Thanked panel for opportunities and told them about how nabard needs more visibility and manpower presence to reach more people)

Panel and staff at HO are cordial, vc might face some audio issues but panel repeats the question if u ask them politely


Nabard Interview transcript #20  Name - Ananta Shinde

HO Mumbai, 06/03/2022

11:27am to 11:45am - 18mins


1. You work at RBI. So, what are your resonsibilities at RBI? and two more add on questions about the work.

2. Why do you want to join NABARD?

3. You said, you have a rural background, tell me more about it. What is the economic scenario in your village?

4. Have you read PLP report? What is it? How do you know about it? 

Lady Member:

1. Biodata related ques on an internship on watershed managand that I have done. Few more cross ques on the same. 2-3mins.

2. What is NABARD doing for climate change? Do you know any specific project?


1. Do you know about Agri Incubation Centres by NABARD? What are they? Where are they established? 

2. Is this a good initiative or should be closed?

3. What is difference between ABAC and Agri Incubation centre? 

4. Have you seen NABARD'S balance sheet and different funds in it? What is Warehouse Fund? What's it use? 


Do you have anything to say.


NABARD interview Transcript #21

Name: Swathi 

RO: Bangalore

07/03/2022 - 1.15 PM(12-15 mins)

1st panel member (Chairperson):

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. Having a research background, why do you want to join NABARD?

3. With your knowledge in Biotechnology, how can you contribute to the workings of NABARD? Which department would you like to work in?  

2nd panel member (Madam):

1. You mentioned about TDF. What exactly is TDF?

2. What are wadi projects?

3. Orchard farming being a long term investment, what are other short term projects under TDF?

3rd panel member (Sir):

1. Have you heard of DEAR, the R&D extension of NABARD?

2. Tell something about the financial sector of the country? And how does NABARD to the same?

3. Explain reasons behind farmer' suicide in Wayanad.

4. Which one of NABARD's subsidiaries is headquartered at Bangalore (KA)? What does it do?

Chairperson: Would you like to add anything?



Bangalore RO

Date 07/03/22



Chairman- Why joined govt organization despite having mba?

Madam- Why u want to swich now?

What impact did u see on ground level, that motivated you to join nabard?

Any specific project or nabard intervention?

Questions related to SHG, how its is impacted as you are from village and mother was a member of SHG?

(I had to throw a bait, to ask this question 😝)

What was the problems you faced while CBS implementation? (Madam was insisting to list out so many problems, but i know this was a landmine, so i acted accordingly)

Other male member: In which area of nabard are u more interested? (I wanted my answer inclusive so started listing out functions of nabard but madam cut in and insisted me to tell specific area)

Madam- What are the financial functions of nabard?

Chairman sir: how payment bank helping in banking sector? (Waiting for this ball since beginning 😝)

 male member: What is MFI?

How payment bank helping in rural credit? (I told sir, payment bank doesn't give credit: now they started discussing, Chairman sir told yes it doesn't to other mem)

Chairman: what is diff bw Commercial bank, Co-op and RRB?

(I was expecting diff bw SFB and payment bank. So i guess my answer was not satisfactory)

Chairman sir: Given any other exams etc , any civil services attempts

(Sir last yr i missed the GrA final cut by 1.5 mark - throwed this cherry on the cake 😝  )

Chairman sir: Anything you want to say to us? --


It was really a good experience. Chairman R Gandhi sir's smiling face was the hope as i was feeling nervous throughout.


Thank u guys and all the best to u all



Harsh Ranjan:

Date- 07/03/2022

Mumbai HO

2nd to go(working in PSB)

1(Panel Head)- Tell your background, schooling, college, achievement your current job in 2 minutes.

2) If balance is deducted in the customers account due to transaction failure what extra intiative you take.

3) In last 5 years what has changed in terms of  expectations of customers

4) What Nabard is doing in Sustainable Development and initiatives of NABARD regarding climate change (asked from to different members)

5) Relationship between NABARD and your bank and 

6) Functional work of NABARD (Refinance scheme, RIDF) 

7) Source of Funds of RIDF

8) Contribution of your bank in RIDF

9) Do you want to add something??

Thank you. Interview panel head is very chilled and helps you in case you divert from your answers

NABARD staff is very co-operative and fun to talk (has been asked by the NABARD staff to not to reveal everything on Telegram 🤐🤐 )



Aarti Shukla:

12: 30 pm

RO- bhopal

First one to go from Bhopal RO . Overall 14 in the day.

3 panel members 

Chairman sir-

1) You are an Engineer with work ex. Why Nabard?

2) Why not civil services?

3) How you can contribute to Nabard?


1)you are from Satna MP? Is it a rural area? What are the problems there? How you can solve the problems? 

2) crops grown in your region.

I told by collectivisation, FPOs

2) how nabard is helping FPO?


Another member-

1) MP questions-

1)which crop is MP known for ?

2) what percentage share in all India? Answered both.

3) Another crop- wheat.which wheat is famous from MP?


I asked sir can I make a guess.

I guessed right. It's Sarbati wheat variety? He was happy.

4) Ukraine Russia crisis ..what are the opportunity and challenge s for India in terms of agri trade? Answerd well.


It went very good till this point.

Now comes the climax.

Chairman sir- asked an analytic al question.

1) After the repeal of farm laws, what impact will it have on FPO promotion and creation. 

I said- I don't think, there shall be any negative impact.

Not satisfied. I thought for a minute. Could not recall.

2) What was the provisions for APMC in farm laws. 

I told. 

Can FPO sell outside APMC ? 

I said yes sir. 

To other states also?

I said yes sir. 

3) why farmers were protesting against farm laws?

I told because they were afraid that they might loose out on MSP. I blabbered few other things.

But I think he was trying to make me understand something or say something which I was missing. 

Then he said okay-

Do you want to highlight any aspect of you or add something about yourself?

I politely said no sir.

They said thankyou and wished me for International women day and I said thankyou and wished them back to have a nice day ahead.


They were formal and cordial but after being chilled out and having a smiling face for so many days , today I found chairman sir in Formal and sincere and serious mode. MADAM was also serious. The other panel male member seemed more happy and kind to me.

Overall, it was going very well in the beginning but last question and second last question, I did not answer satisfactorily. I should have revised farm laws nicely but I did not.

My mistake.




Pune, RO 

Date : 8th March

Panel - 3 Members.

(Chairman - R Gandhi sir +Surekha marandi mam + 1 Male member from nabard) 

Chairman Sir:

-Asked about my engineering degree ( mechanical sandwich) & about internship?

-What u got to learn from industrial experience?

-Why now u want to work in rural sector and some cross questions?

-When u heard about nabard first time itself?

-Why nabard?

-Any previous attempts and any other exams?


(I mentioned about Himalayan trekking expedition in DAF)                            

-Where u have done that?

-Effect of climate change on Himalayan ecosystem?

-Any government schemes for that?

-What role NABARD can play in it?

-Any special funds of nabard for climate change & its role?

-Most vulnerable states due to glacier melting & it's effect on them?

-What himalayan states majorly produce?

-Climate change effect on agriculture? Its impact on whole india?

Sir From NABARD : 

-What u have prepared for interview?(mentioned website and annual report)

-Have u read PLP?

-What are 3 main functions of nabard?

-There is one Institutional development department...its functions? 

-What are different rural financial institutions?

-What are RRBs?

-Elaborate whole developmental function in detail?

Chairman sir: Anything u want to add?

Thank you, All the best


Date- 07 March 2022

Time- around 3 PM, 17th out of 22 candidates

My profile- 2016 Mech engg grad, 2.5 years gap for UPSC, currently working in SEBI Grade A (4th job overall)

1- Chairman-

You are working in sebi right....recently joined? I hope you know that you will get less here than that. 

What is your motivation for nabard? 

When I said social service and upsc, they asked me the reason for working elsewhere and my job hops

When / where did you decide to work in social service oriented jobs? 

Then why did you do engineering? 

2- Lady

What do you know about nabard

Since I mentioned SDG in the answer, she asked me how nabard contributes to sdg implementation... I answered few points and then she specifically asked about sdg 1 (no poverty ) 

I answered it with shg, microfinance, etc

What is microfinance? 

How many microfinance models we have.. Name a few

What is JLG? How is it different than SHG? 

3- other panelist (male) 

What is DAY NRLM

Went into details regarding scheme, and I mentioned capacity building through RUDSETI. 

He asked me in detail about rudseti, and said that you must know about it since it is from your home state

Which banks were involved in promoting rudseti? 

Then he asked me to mention the issues in farm sector, how the farm laws try to solve them and what is the way forward since they had to be repealed. 

End of interview

They were pretty cordial, and since my interview was post lunch, they weren't in a hurry and were patient. Unlike sebi interview, they were not cutting me off in the middle, and let me finish my answer. There is scope for giving long answer, but be clear and concise. 

All the best


NABARD Interview transcript #27



Didn’t ask introduction started with graduation subject  and how can it play a role in nabard

What are the opportunities that you got to show your leadership qualities 

How did you prepare  , what did you prepare

Will you go for upsc even after getting selected 

Three highlight areas of annual report

Climate change initiatives of nabard 

Climate Resilient agriculture  what nabard Doing in this regard 

Questions on rubber plantations

Crop specific loans - rubber 

Maturity and life span of rubber cultivation

Anything you want to share with us ?

 That’s it !! panel was smiling from start to end

questions asked were bit different any way panel members were very cordial and they will get answers from you even if you  fumble a bit all the best


Nabard Interview transcript 

2nd to go. 

1st Member - R Gandhi sir

1. So, you are dairy technologist. What you have done after graduation?

Response - Told

2. Dairy is very good n niche sector then why want to shift to public services. Why don't you want to work in dairy sector. 

Ans - I corrected sir that I am not targeting UPSC. Then sir told ohh U are dairy technologist n targeting then it is correlated and understandable. Haan mai haan mila di.. 

3. According to you, What are the major 3-4 issues which dairy sector is facing ? 

Ans- told. 

3. What advantages dairy FPO provides over dairy cooperatives? 

Ans - told

4. You mentioned about mechanisation in dairy sector. Tell me how we can adopt it in dairy FPO  and why we haven't able to achieve it till now? 

Ans - told 

5. What is India's state in dairy production n share your view on dairy exports? 

Ans - told

6. Why our dairy exports are low? 

Ans- told. 

2nd Member - Surekha marandi Mam


1. What are the NABARD's  initiatives for dairy sector? What role it is playing for dairy farmers? 

Ans - told about what DEDS, DIDF, AHIDF Scheme n nabard's role in it. 

2. What nabard is doing for dairy credit? 

Ans - told about KCC-AH, long term refinance facility for dairy sector. 

3. What other initiatives of NABARD u like? 

Ans - told about development initiatives of NABARD 

4. How NABARD is helping FPO

Ans - told about FODF in detail and CGF facility set up in NABARD for  10,000 FPO promotion scheme. 

5. What are the no of FPO formed in country till now? 

Ans - exact could not answer but approx no. 

3rd Member - K sayeed Ali (Retd NABARD CGM) 

 1. What differences  u find in rajasthan n haryana when we talk about dairy practices. 

Ans - told about difference in farm management practices ( heeding, weeding, feeding), veterinary services availability and about processing.

2. There is centre of excellence in agriculture Near NDRI in karnal. What is it, tell something about it ?

Ans - couldn't answer.

3. What is impact of Russia Ukraine war on Indian agriculture, share both pros n cons

Ans - told about pros in wheat, sugar etc.

Cons about sunflower oil n edible oil, coffee, tea exports to russia.

4. What is the effect of increase in crude oil prices on agriculture.

Answer - told.

Chairman sir - Anything you to say?

Responded with No

There was cross questioning with panel head sir so felt more like conversation /discussion.

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